Experience Levels

Discover how we assign levels to each of our activities.

Large Outdoors offers a large range of walking and outdoor activity experiences. It’s a tough task to allocate just one measure of ‘grade’ or ‘level’ to each! For our Multi-Day Experiences there will sometimes be a choice of walks available and there’s always the chance that we may need to amend walking or activity plans based on the group’s abilities, current weather or forecasts, conditions underfoot, local path closures, sea state, river levels, etc.

However, you can find Large Outdoors’ activity levels outlined below and on the webpage for each experience we offer you can see which level(s) we feel best applies to that particular experience.

There’s always the need to be flexible - even the best laid plans need to change sometimes - to offer our participants enjoyable and safe outdoor experiences, but hopefully these levels will help you decide which options are a suitable match for your abilities and interests.

If you have any questions about a particular experience then, please don’t hesitate to contact the office.


Walking Levels



We’ve split this level to more accurately describe what to expect for different activities: